Just a few thoughts to express my gratitude for our friends and customers... this week I received two phone calls from recent customers thanking me for selling them a ball cap! It makes me realize how important our memories are. For us to provide that small link to past friends and relatives and their service or collective experience gives me great joy. For those of you who have shared your stories with Connie and I, tales of brothers and sisters-in-arms, of parents whose service must be remembered and carried with us...it's priceless to us.
We're getting fewer and fewer WWII and Korean War stories (but still some), but many more from Viet Nam. and more from Desert Storm, OIF, and Iraq and Afghan wars. Sometimes our paths have crossed by mutual friends or units we may have served in at different times, or how our ball caps have been recognized by others wearing them.
I've heard and read anecdotes from many of you about how you have helped your fellow veterans. And those stories are not isolated, you know who you are (even though you would be the last to recognize it), that one who checks in (Buddy Check) on fellow vets, visits or volunteers at the VA, takes in a homeless vet while they try and get back on their feet. The Honor Guards, Wreaths Across America, Veteran's Cemetery Challenge, Patriot Riders and too many others to name.
You know the depth of connection that many will never experience. For all of these gifts you have given us, we truly Thank You...for including us here at pilotballcaps.com into a small part of your lives! And Thank You for your Service!